History Robert Scheer SI Podcast

Robert Scheer: Three Antidotes to America’s Toxic Thanksgiving Myth

This Thanksgiving, we're reposting three critical "Scheer Intelligence" episodes that highlight the country's original sins of white settler colonialism and Native American genocide.
“Red Meat” by Mr.Fish.

Roxanne Dunbar-Ortiz: Lies Liberals Tell Themselves About the Second Amendment

The author of “Loaded: A Disarming History of the Second Amendment” joins Robert Scheer to discuss the deep-seated denial about the colonial ideology undergirding gun rights in the U.S. and how it has hampered the left’s approach to arms control. Listen to the full discussion, which first aired on KCRW in 2019, here.

Benjamin Madley: The California Genocide No One Talks About

UCLA history professor Benjamin Madley joins the “Scheer Intelligence” host to talk about his An American Genocide: The United States and the California Catastrophe 1846-1873  which details the killing of tens of thousands of Native Americans as the state was being settled in the 19th century. Listen to the full episode from 2016 here.

Tony Platt: California’s Grim Genocidal Past Implicates the University of California

The historian discusses his recently re-released book,  “Grave Matters: The Controversy over Excavating California’s Buried Indigenous Past,” which digs into the Golden State’s dark history of not only massacring Indigenous Peoples, but later desecrating their graves and excavating their remains without their descendants’ consent, in this must-listen “Scheer Intelligence” episode. Listen to the full episode, which aired last week, here.

Be sure to tune in next week for a new episode of Robert Scheer’s “Scheer Intelligence.”

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