SP Staff Updates and Awards

12 Million and Counting: Thanks for Another Milestone

We celebrate 12 million readers, an achievement marked in just under four years of operation. 
“12 Million & Counting” by Mr. Fish

By SP Staff

Just before the first month of the year ended, ScheerPost was able to reach 12 million all-time viewers. During this time, we were able to keep our readers informed on the most critical issues of our time, including Israel’s ongoing slaughter of Palestinian civilians in Gaza, the ICJ ruling and everything leading up to it, the increase in exonerations of wrongful convictions, the 22 year anniversary of Guantánamo Bay, Nigeria’s botched Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC) roll-out, and activism in everything from climate change to reproductive justice and more.

Our coverage is supported by our loyal readers, who made our 12 million mark possible by returning to the site and sharing our content with others. In addition to this large all-time viewership, we also recently drew 60,000 comments to our site, which is a testament to our readers’ engagement with, and enthusiasm for, our content. This was also reinforced with the generous support from our readers during our winter fundraising drive, in which we were able to surpass our donation goal and receive kind notes of encouragement and admiration from our donors.  

All of this we celebrate in just under four years of operation. 

We thank all of you for the support you have shown true independent journalism during a time where it is needed more than ever. We have no objective but to present the truth and keep our readers informed on the issues and perspectives of the day that mainstream media often tend to ignore.

This is a milestone, but it is not the end. We implore you to keep reading and supporting our independent journalism, which reports to you without fear or favor, and please donate, if you feel moved to do so.


Your ScheerPost Team

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