About Us

ScheerPost is an award-winning, independent news organization that focuses on progressive politics and human rights issues that the mainstream media misses. We make it our mission to bring you the latest cutting-edge news and analysis about these issues. With our original articles written by renowned experts and reposted articles curated by our award-winning staff, we presented our readers with daily content from various perspectives that explained and challenged dominant narratives. ScheerPost is dedicated to telling the stories from a progressive outlook, honing in on three pillars that define our journalism:

A commitment to peace and the anti-war movement.

A commitment to economic, social, racial and gender equality.

A commitment to climate change awareness as a result of capitalism.

Our journalism is vital to providing an alternative understanding of what is going on in our world today. From covering the U.S.’s rampant defense spending in Ukraine to worker’s strikes and unionization efforts across the country to wrongful imprisonments and criminal justice reform, ScheerPost stays up to date on crucial issues of our time. We covered the extradition of Julian Assange and protests across the globe to free him. We had a foreign correspondent travel to Saudi Arabia to cover Joe Biden’s arrival in Jeddah. We covered the U.S.’s inhumane and frequent use of capital punishment along with the state of the largest prison and death row population in the world. ScheerPost is committed to raising the voices of those marginalized most by the capitalist system and amplifying issues suppressed by the most powerful people and organizations in the world.


After two years of operation, ScheerPost continues to make an impact. From winning several awards from the Los Angeles Press Club and an Indie Media Award from the Independent Left News, to bringing renowned guests on our podcast, to challenging multiple generations of readers and political activists with different perspectives, ScheerPost has grown a strong internet presence. ScheerPost is primarily sustained from donations, of which the editor-in-chief and publisher take no salary.