Original SP Staff

A Year in Review: ScheerPost’s Top Stories

ScheerPost's most popular stories in 2022 on Ukraine, censorship, the military, the Democratic Party, the economy and more.

By ScheerPost Staff / Original to ScheerPost

What can we say about 2022? There was the invasion of Ukraine and the conflict that followed, growing attacks on free speech including the shameful plight of Julian Assange and our columnist Chris Hedges experiencing deletion of his entire RT archive, billions of US dollars allocated towards military and defense spending, the attack on women’s rights by the Supreme Court overturning of Roe v. Wade, increasing global tensions and nuclear brinkmanship. But we also saw a growing labor union effort advocating for higher wages and better work conditions across the country and the passage of the Respect for Marriage Act ensuring federal protections for same-sex and interracial couples.

This year with ScheerPost
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We at ScheerPost made it our mission to bring you the latest cutting-edge news and analysis about these issues. With our original articles written by renowned experts and reposted articles curated by our award-winning staff, we presented our readers with daily content from various perspectives that explained and challenged dominant narratives. 

Here are some of the most notable stories from this year:

Jacques Baud: Former NATO Military Analyst Blows the Whistle on West’s Ukraine Invasion Narrative

One month after Ukraine was invaded by Russian forces, Jacques Baud, a former NATO military analyst, wrote an essay denouncing the western coverage of the issue and criticizing the total absence of western intelligence services in representing the situation for a year. This article, which was originally written for the Centre Francais de Recherche sur le Renseignement, also explained how the longstanding conflict in the Donbass, which predated the invasion by several years, led up to it.

Published by ScheerPost on 04/09/22

Also see: Jacques Baud on US, EU Sacrificing Ukraine to ‘Weaken Russia’ (Video)

Chris Hedges: Chronicle of a War Foretold

After the fall of the Soviet Union, there was a near universal understanding among political leaders that NATO expansion would be a foolish provocation against Russia. How naive we were to think the military-industrial complex would allow such sanity to prevail? ScheerPost columnist Chris Hedges write that the war industry did not intend to shrink its power or its profits and the war state needs enemies to sustain itself — when an enemy can’t be found, an enemy is manufactured.

Published by ScheerPost on 02/24/22

More Top Articles by Chris Hedges:

– Hedges: On Being Disappeared
Hedges: No Way Out but War
Hedges: Waltzing Toward Armageddon with the Merchants of Death
– Hedges: Democrats, the More Effective Evil
Hedges: Worthy and Unworthy Victims
– Hedges: Assange Affirms the Existence of Another Kind of Human Nature

Blake Fleetwood: ‘Not One Inch Eastward:’ How the War in Ukraine Could Have Been Prevented Decades Ago

ScheerPost contributor Blake Fleetwood explains that in order to understand what’s going on in Ukraine from Vladimir Putin’s point of view, you have to go back to 1990 when the Soviet Union was collapsing. During this time, President George Bush and Secretary of State James A. Baker made a deal in early February 1990 with Soviet President Mikhail Gorbachev and Foreign Minister Eduard Shevardnadze, which the US later broke. Now Ukraine is paying the price.

Published by ScheerPost on 02/24/22

Also see: America’s Second Civil War is Underway by Blake Fleetwood

Scheer Intelligence, Michael Brenner: American Dissent on Ukraine Is Dying in Darkness

When it came to the Ukraine conflict, Professor Michael J. Brenner did what he’s done his whole life: question American foreign policy. On this episode of “Scheer Intelligence,” Brenner tells host Robert Scheer how the recent attacks he received—many of a personal, ad hominem nature—were some of the most vitriolic he’s ever experienced. The two discuss how many media narratives completely leave out that the eastward expansion of NATO, among other Western aggressions against Russia, played an important part in fueling the current humanitarian crisis.

Published by ScheerPost on 04/15/22

See Top 15 Scheer Intelligence Episodes of the Year Here

Ellen Brown: The Coming Global Financial Revolution: Russia Is Following the American Playbook

No country has successfully challenged the U.S. dollar’s global hegemony—until now. How did this happen and what will it mean? In an article original to ScheerPost, contributor Ellen Brown recounts the rise and fall of the petrodollar and explains that reserve currency dominance has resulted in the destruction of our manufacturing base and the buildup of a massive federal debt. 

Published by ScheerPost on 04/22/22

Also see: Ellen Brown: A Monetary Reset Where the Rich Don’t Own Everything

Meredith Heagney: The Late Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg Critiqued Roe v. Wade at Chicago Law School Visit

Originally written by Meredith Heagney in 2013, this article was reprinted by ScheerPost in June because of its historic significance and relevance to the recent Supreme Court decision to overturn Roe v. Wade. In the article, which was originally published by the University of Chicago Law School, Justice Ginsburg made similar remarks in other public appearances. She would’ve preferred that abortion rights be secured more gradually, in a process that included state legislatures and the courts, she added. Ginsburg also was troubled that the focus on Roe was on a right to privacy, rather than women’s rights.

Published by ScheerPost on 06/24/22

Patrick Lawrence: The West—Technocrats, Incompetents, Ideologues

When the Italian Senate names party leader Giogia Meloni premier at the end of October, as is widely expected, Italy will be the first founding member of the European Union to be governed by a vigorously nationalist coalition, writes ScheerPost contributor Patrick Lawrence.  

Published by ScheerPost on 10/02/22

Also see: Patrick Lawrence: So Far As I Can Make Out, Patrick Lawrence: “The Narrative Is Coming Apart”

Katrina vanden Heuvel on Russia, Ukraine, the War and the US

The Russian invasion of Ukraine with its horrific atrocities and massive refugee crisis has turned the world upside down. The war will have a huge impact on global food security as both countries are major exporters of wheat, barley and other grains. As usual, the media provide very little context and background. To shed light on these issues, David Barsamian interviews Katrina vanden Heuvel about current issues in the world and history.

Published by ScheerPost on 04/25/22

John Kiriakou: With President Biden in Saudi Arabia

Biden is in Jeddah to beg the Saudis to increase oil production, but will he betray his previously expressed concern over the Saudi murder of journalist Jamal Khashoggi? This is the first of a series of reports for ScheerPost by correspondent John Kiriakou covering the President’s historic trip to Saudi Arabia. Kiriakou is a former CIA agent and an Arabic speaker with extensive experience working in the Middle East.

Published by ScheerPost on 07/15/22

Diego Ramos: The Understated Effects of Nuclear War on the World

With nuclear war becoming a growing concern in the world, scientists, in an authoritative study published by Nature Food, dug deeper into the expected, horrid outcomes of such an event. Apart from the Hiroshima style obliteration of all signs of life in the directly affected areas, the new study led by Rutgers University scientists finds “global famine” and long term environmental damage on the Earth’s population from nuclear war would put much of the rest of humanity in fatal risk, writes staff writer Diego Ramos.

Published by ScheerPost on 08/15/22

Max Jones: Corporate Media Hypocrisy Revealed in Buffalo Shooting Coverage

The corporate media’s contradictions in covering nazism exposed in Buffalo shooting coverage. Staff writer Max Jones writes that the mainstream media has taken a political approach to exposing the ideologies, rather than searching for objective truth, and that digging deeper into Gendron’s manifesto, it becomes at least questionable whether Carlson had anything to do with inspiring the bigoted and hateful views of Gendron. 

Published by ScheerPost on 06/02/22

Victoria Valenzuela: Thousands on Parole and Probation Face Unique Barriers in Seeking Abortion Care

The U.S. Supreme Court’s decision to overturn Roe v. Wade leaves many among the more than 215,600 women on parole and probation in states that ban abortion to face a technical violation that might lead to reincarceration if they travel across state lines for the medical procedure. Most people on parole and probation face restrictions not only on on travel but associating with people whose actions could be considered illegal — making it difficult for women with this status to travel out of a state that bans abortion to have the procedure  or even consult with people coordinating abortion care.

Published by ScheerPost on 07/10/22

The new year will surely bring new challenges as well as exasperated fallout and further conflict from the issues we faced in 2022. It is more important than ever to support independent news.

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